
Desktop Computer

Product Information.

USYS deals in all types of Desktops i.e. Regular Desktops with Intel Dual Core, Core 2 Duo Core 2 Quad processors, (Core 2 Quad is the latest Intel Processor with 4 internal Cores.)We also provide small form factor (i.e. small size Cabinet Desktop). USYS also has specialized Desktop Flavour’s like, Thin Clients & the Latest Intel Atom Processor based "NET TOPS".

≽ We have Workstation Desktops with all technical options & Flavours like PC’s with high end Graphic Cards, for Designing Animation, Graphics etc. These PC’s also come in specialized Cabinets, which have a very high level of power & cooling facility.


Product Information.

Apart from the Regular Laptops we also have specialized & High-end Laptops like, Ultra Light Weight Note Books, Tablet Note Books, even Intel Atom processor based "NET BOOK" from all major Brands.

≽ In Ultra Light Weight Laptops we have options with 7", 10" & 12" Screen sizes.
≽ We can also provide special prizes for Bulk purchase of 10 & above quantity.


Product Information.

We have Servers with all technical options & Flavours like RAID Controllers, SCSI or SAS Hard Disks, Hot Plugging in HDD, Power Supply System Fan etc., We can also provide Reduncy in SMPS (Power Supply), System Fan etc.

≽ USYS also provides Servers with all types of operating systems like Windows, Linux, Unix etc.

CCTV & Surveillance

Product Information.

CCTV (closed-circuit television) is a TV system in which signals are not publicly distributed but are monitored, primarily for surveillance and security purposes.
CCTV camera system is being widely employed as a security system for surveillance in offices as well as homes. It is used for monitoring purposes to keep a close vigil. Not only in closed or private places; CCTV camera system extends as a security system in public and crowded places like traffic intersections, malls, shops, etc.
For Evidence in Lawsuits In legal cases of thefts and other forms of crime, videos and images provided by the CCTV camera system can serve as a valid proof and evidence against the defaulter. This assists in making legal claims as well.


Product Information.

Viruses, worms and Trojans are software programs that have been written by individuals to disrupt or interfere with your computer files.

≽ Unlike a “true” virus, Trojans can't reproduce themselves, nor can they infect your programs.
≽ No matter how you connect to the Internet, it is wise keep your computer protected using anti-virus software. You'll save time and money in the long run.
The USYSTECHNOLOGY provied Internet Security Manager Anti-Virus feature protects your computer against viruses, worms and trojans in the following ways